
total physical memory 512
avail physical memory 201.49
total virtulmemory 2.00 gb
avail virtual memory 1.96 gb
x 86 family 15 model 1 stepping 2 genuine intel ~1598 mhz

found this stuff in my system info in system summury is this my mega hertz of the computer, cause im lookin to replace my graphic card wit a 256 mb card n need to compare the details and since i have 512 total physical memory n my my avail physical memory is 201.49 will the 256 mb graphic card work with it or do i add more memory on my ram and my power supply is 300 watt would it help if i had more power would it make a difference cause when im done im going to add a dvd-r

Actually, your computer’s RAM and virtual memory do not matter with a video card since it uses the memory on the video card. The important thing is to make sure the video card is compatible with the motherboard in your computer. Does your computer have an AGP slot or PCI Express slot? Which ever it has, the video card has to be compatible with the slot on your motherboard.

I would suggest at least a 400 watt power supply but again this might depend on the system you have. I guess a little more information would be needed to make a good guess at it.

You have asked basically the same quest but given it a different title and we have answered that,

So CharleyO is repeating what has already been said and acknowledged by yourself.

Posting multiple question on the same subject just duplicated the work of those helping.

system manuafacturer-fujitsu siemens
system model -wb72sc
system type-x86-based pc

Perhaps you should seek help at the links below.