Message deleted

I posted a request for help about a week ago, and had an initial response. Then things got really busy at work and in life and I haven’t been able to return to addressing my Avast problem. Now I’m back and message and responses are gone. What’s up? There are messages from months ago still on the board, but mine from a week ago has been deleted. I’m back to square zero.

Gaia, are you talking about this thread:;action=display;threadid=2106 ?


There are a few reasons why the message might not appear.
The Moderators can remove a message if they feel it does not belong where it is (General, Avast, Virus section etc), or if it is somewhat offensive.
A message sometimes but rarely, gets lost.
A message sometimes unknowingly gets deleted by the user themself.

Since I answerd the post in question, VLK was kind enough to give you the link. He gets up earlier than I do. :wink:


Question, techie, related to your last reply and the forums here generally. Not exactly earth-shaking importance, but it might be useful info for all of us. And the answer might even have been implied in the way you responded, although that wasn’t clear.

If a posting would be ok somewhere here but got posted in the wrong place, can the mods move it to a more appropriate location, perhaps with a brief note and link left in its original place for anyone who’s interested? Or is their only option to delete it, if it’s badly out of place?

Thanks and best,

VLK, thanks for the pointer. I went back to the board, as displayed on my computer when I log in, and I STILL can’t find the message by browsing. I was able to review using the address you provided, and am back in the game, but this is a little weird.