Message "unused applications ..."


from time to time Avast (free) reports xx unused applications, yy old apps, zz performance problems.
As I don’t want to delete them all at once, I first want to check out which objects are related to this message.

Is there a way to find this out?

Happy new year to all of the team :slight_smile:

What exact version of avast ?

This sounds more like a message from CleanUp than from avast (the av).

Try posting here


I didn’t start browser cleanup functions. The message appears about once a week without my own work.

This is the correct forum :

Eddy, I never installed or used GrimeFighter.

I never mentioned GrimeFighter, I said CleanUp.

And what’s the difference? When I start to the site you linked, I find an information “Avast WEBforum » Avast support forums » Avast Additional products » Avast Cleanup (former GrimeFighter)” …

Well, GF is history, see: