Message within MS Outlook

I am new to Avast and I would like to know if there is anyway to have Avast include a message that says “This email has been scanned for virus” or something like it.
I was a user of AVG and theirs said “Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.5.385 / Virus Database: 270.13.58/2309 - Release Date: 08/17/09 06:08:00”

Windows XP SP3
Avast Home 4.8 Free version

Hello jl747

left click on avast tray icon

click details

scroll to outlook/exchange

click customize

inbound mail tab

check insert notes on clean messages

change the format if you want,

click ok

click ok

that should do.

Found it.

did you test it by receiving a mail?

you can also do the same thing for out bound messages.

you are welcome.

come back if you have something to ask.

For inbound emails this is worth very little as if avast alerts you will know all about it as all hell breaks loose with an audible and visual alert.

For outbound email yes it is a little promotion for avast ;D

You don’t say what your email client is ?
So the above suggestion by nmd is for MS Outlook and not Outlook Express.

So if you aren’t using MS Outlook, then it is the Internet Mail provider, Customize, SMTP, enable ‘Insert note into clean message.’


sir, are you still using the 1348 beta version?. i think i got a update yesterday night to 1351 ??? ???

Thanks for the quick replies.
I am using MS Outlook 2002

Tested both incoming and outgoing both show messages.

Note: Avast Build 4.8.1351

Just a question. Is there a particular reason you are using Outlook? If so, have you changed any of the default security settings?

Yes I am, the manual program update didn’t detect the update as it normally does. I have just tried it again and this time it does detect an update is available. So it is starting to update now.

Saves me having to set aside almost two hours to download the full setup file.

good that you could get the update :slight_smile:

Never bothered to switch to Thunderbird.