Is it possible that avast is holding up my outbox messages and scanning them for viruses? Is there a way to turn this off? My messages are staying in my outbox for up to 20 minutes in Outlook. Thanks
See my answer where you posted in Tech Support. I doubt it’s an Avast problem, but you could disable protection for EMail. Un-check “scan outbound”.
What avast version are you using 4.8 or 5.0 ?
Have (or did) you another Anti-Virus installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?
Is this Outlook Express or MS Outlook (if so what version) ?
Are there any large attachments in the email ?
No other anti-virus programs installed. I am using Microsoft Office Professional 2007 with Microsoft Outlook. The messages are just test messages as I noticed nothing was going through. The messages were taking 10 -20 minutes to be sent and now they are not going anywhere at all.
The question also asked about previous AVs installed, as remnants of that can have an impact ?
Are these emails being sent using SSL ?
If so check this - avast! 5.x: SSL Problems The Mail Shield may not scan some e-mails - see
Yes, I tried this, it didn’t work and now, after trying to reboot my outlook after making the changes, outlook won’t even open! I’m in trouble now! I am at a complete loss!
Does MS Outlook have a repair option like Outlook Express ?
If I remember rightly when you try to uninstall OE it brings up an option to Repair. Don’t try this without first googling this to see if it is an option (Repair Microsoft Outlook ‘version number’) without the brackets replace the ‘content’ with the outlook version, e.g. 2003, etc.