pixme.webs.com is suspicious according to unmask parasites. try cleaning your temporary files once. you can use ccleaner for that purpose. switch to a stronger password in your windows live account which you use to im.
get malwarebytes antimalware (mbam), instead of spybot search and destroy(you may also remove ss&d), from here : malwarebytes.org(free version - on demand scan olny), install, update and perform full scan. post log here.
get superantispyware(sas) and perform full scan. dont worry about the tracking cookies it reports. let sas deal with it.
Es posible que tengas un rootkit. Necesitas Sophos Anti-rootkit. (Sophos en Español) También, puedes usar Dr. Web CureIt.
Maybe you have a rootkit. Try downloading and running Sophos anti-rootkit. Also use Dr. Web.