Michael Dell uses Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn

Dell may sell Vista and other MS Products, but look at what he uses at home…

* Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn
* VMWare Workstation 6 Beta
* OpenOffice.org 2.2
* Automatix2
* Firefox
* Evolution Groupware 2.10


Perhaps that is why they are considering selling systems with Linux installed.

They really could put together a great system and software package, but that might put M$'s nose further out of joint, lost sale of Vista, probable lost sale of MS Office and other MS software, etc.

Hey OrangeCrate, I heard on DL.TV that Dell is going to start selling Linux on Desktop PC’s in the near future.

Dell installing Linux has been a topic of conversation in the Linux community for several months now. It took me a while to find it again, but here’s an interview with Michael Dell regarding Dell’s Linux philosophy:



OrangeCrate, will Ubuntu 7.04 work OK on an older computer?? I just ordered it on CD to check out.

How much older? You may have to use an Alternate install cd especially if you have under 256MB of RAM.

The disks are free though so no harm in trying. I have successfully installed Debian on an old PII 350Mhz with 192MB of RAM. Runs good. Bogs down a bit on OO. :slight_smile:

Hey Negeltu, It’s an old win ME machine with a 233 Mhz p2 and 256 MB of RAM and a 2 GB HD.

Yeah…that’s pretty old.

I know that for Ubuntu 6.06 the minimum hdd space for a good desktop install was 3gigs with 256MB of RAM.

I suppose you could do a server install which required much less space and then install xfce for a more light weight desktop environment.

These guys here will prob be more knowledgeable about it than me. If it installs with the normal cd I don’t think you will be happy with the speed of the system.

Thanks Negeltu.