Microsoft Fixes Record 26 Security Holes

Microsoft today issued a record-breaking number of security updates, fixing at least 26 separate security holes in its Windows operating system and other products, including 16 vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office and Office components.
  • Users of Office 2000 won’t get critical updates through the normal patch process- they must visit the Office homepage.

  • An XML flaw could become widely exploited in the future and may exist in Vista- so update as soon as possible!

  • Some people seem to be experiencing delays at MS Update, judging form the comments section.

This one’s a 14M download, so good luck to dial-up users!

As one of those dial-up users, I will be holding back to avoid the Rollback Friday from your other topic. Fortunately there aren’t 26 listed in mine, just 6, the biggest being .net 2.0 update.

I often have to be selective and choose a couple at a time so as not to tie up my connection.

so far i encoutered no breakdown on deployed machines so i hope it stays that way :slight_smile:

btw don’t wait too long or you get visit by Viral day :slight_smile:

I opted to do just a few and said for them to be downloaded and I’m still waiting my turn in the queue, last time it took two days before they were downloaded.

So MS isn’t helping in the potential visit from Viral Wednesday when firstly I didn’t get the notification until Wednesday and then you have to join the queue for all those in a rush to beet the viral visit ;D

14 updates were downloaded this morning from the autoupdate server and applied.

For me, it was the same as David … only 6 updates needed.

I only received 6 updates also.

Mabye Yuna’s system had downloaded some older updates it missed?

I didn’t have any MS Office updates (office 97, too old no updates), that would have brought it up to 10 and I didn’t count the monthly Malicious software removal tool, which I never download. I don’t know if you are aware of it but by all accounts this tool phones home if it finds any malware.

I don't know if you are aware of it but by all accounts this tool phones home if it finds any malware.
As long as it removes the malware, who cares.... ;D