Microsoft has a lot of faults but it is a serious company…
The next question will be: does the antivirus companies infect the Internet with virus just to sell their products?
This is conspiracy theory…
Live is short to live, be happy and virus-free ;D
Just my opinion 8)
technical, i think some AV companies (mainly Mcafee and Symantec) do infect the internet just to sell their product. However I dont think F-secure or ALWIL does
Well, this is one of the oldest nonsenses on the net… i have heard this so many times that I can’t count it anymore - still there is NO proof of it - and believe me if this is true, there will be definitely some sign of evidence.
It is very difficult to build the TRUST between users and the (security) company - it really takes years. And such trust could be lost very quickly if there will be such foolish behaviour as virus distribution!
Not to speak about the problem that there are so many new viruses in the wild nowadays that most AV people wish to see this amount MUCH MUCH lower
Well, in your case was just few hours to believe in avast! ;D
pavel calm down! I just stated My opinion. and My opinion is not factual!
I am quite calm, really ;D
I resigned to bother with this one many years ago!
Well, look at it this way. What do you think would happen to any AV vendor if it was determined that they were distributing viruses in their product?
Firstly, the government would shut them down.
Secondly, the lawsuits would ruin them for good.
Thirdly, there could be criminal penalties.
Fourth, it would tend to tick me off. ;D
No responsible vendor would do such a thing. Are there irresponsible vendors? No, not really…just less capable. AV vendors are fighting for a customer base and it certainly would not help them to even have such a “tint” of an accusation directed at them.
I do believe that in the “race” to keep up with competition, shody products are released before they are ready.
Avast is truly in a league by itself. The Avast team is careful at what it does and does the best it can before a release to have it bug free. From the very first time I used Avast, I knew if was different and special. I have not only been a long time user, but have spent many many hours on this Forum helping others get to know Avast. The time has been well worth it.
The success of this Forum is proof of the product. More users come here to laud Avast (praise) then I have seen on other AV forums.
Long live Avast!! and praise to all the Avast Team.
yes Long live avast!
I agree they often release a new version before its ready. Avast and F-Secure are an exception to this. both great AV products
Sure, even avast has had some slip-ups … like the program update a couple of sub-versions back that messed up outgoing Eudora, or the definitions update not long afterwards which generated a lot of false-positives.
But those things always get fixed very quickly with avast, thanks to the efforts of the great team plus input here from users, which after all is how most bugs get discovered and reported.
Best to all,
Tr00 tr00,in Norton (or Symantec products in general) i still see 3-4 years old bugs and missing software capabilities…
Hahaha… you guys are a way, way off topic. Guy who started this poll meant on something totaly different… Probably, he is getting a tons of e-mails infected with virus attachments and what’s even worse, they are signed like they are comming from MICROSOFT.
EVERYBODY knows that those e-mails aren’t from Microsoft, but some random addresses that somebody out there is using to send viruses…
No, 199% sure, Microsoft doesn’t want you to receive infected e-mails.
No, 199% sure, Microsoft doesn't want you to receive infected e-mails.
REALLY??! WELL I am 400% sure BILL WROTE THE OS X TROJAN!!! It s just what he wants for apple to loose their ground so he can rune 100% of all computers!!
I believe he has enough and more than enough money, so he doesn’t have to go so low… I still believe that those stories are for kids…
Let’s get back 15-16 years ago… Same thing with Sinclair ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64… We tried with all our power to defend Spectrum and to find all those wonderful attributes that little ZX gave us… but, no matter how hard we tried, Commodore was always few steps ahead… silent, but STRONG… it reminds me on todays PCs… they may have so many bad things to say about them, but still they are number one in whole wide world… selling and popularity, both…
Quality of Macintosh is great (GREAT) and unbelievable, but the price is also something to talk about… hey Mac guys, lower those prices a little bit… well, a little bit more…
I think that they hurry writing code and it is the users who pay the price -new exploit for IE6 yesterday see:
Quality of Macintosh is great (GREAT) and unbelievable, but the price is also something to talk about... hey Mac guys, lower those prices a little bit... well, a little bit more
Actually that may happen in the NEAR future. Apple has always had it tough and needed to price the hardware that high to keep alive. But now that the iPOD and iTUNES are a big success I can really see the price on the iMac and eMac models coming down to near PC prices.
MS has nothing to gain from viruses (unless they can find someway to infect linux and mac). Though they are great at marketing I think they are just plain incompetent when it comes to security. Alwil makes AV mainly for servers and has a lot to gain from keeping the internet virus free. Nortons and McAffee have much to gain from virus outbreaks because their core business is home users who often only buy their products once there has been an outbreak. Think about it?
(unless they can find someway to infect linux and mac).Not likely to happen. Linux is a very well build rock solid OS. Only MAc OS X Can out Preform it. (and Mac OS X Is build off of UNIX)
Linux ? 100% safe ?