Microsoft mulling 128-bit versions of Windows 8, Windows 9


Robert Morgan, Senior Research & Development at Microsoft, has shone a sliver of light on the possibility of 128-bit support coming to Windows 8.



Wonder how long it will take to get 128-bit drivers to work, I still have devices that don’t have 64-bit drivers yet. >:(

I’m lucky. Intel has provided me drivers for 64 bits.

Probably because you have newer hardware. It’s the older stuff that’s a pain in the ass.

exactly. My hardware is new.

yeah, 128 bit was badly needed ;D …just kidding, interesting find nmb. May be it’s out as RC when Seven 7100 expires :wink:

do you have hardware for that ? ;D

I would say they should get their 64bit ducks in order (drivers, etc.) before even contemplating 128bit. That is what is stopping some people from upgrading to 64bit OS and the situation with 128bit OS would suffer the same issues.

64bit hardware has been available for many years but the uptake of winx64 has been minuscule compared to winx86 (32bit) OS.

I would have though that 128bit hardware would have to be ready first or there would have to be backward compatibility (another sodding compromise) which rather than push would drag people to retain 64bit systems/OS/applications.

what about this :

Because of backward compatibility, people stick to 32 bit. no one uses intel 16 bit.

I’m on it ;D …can’t talk too much about that atm :smiley:

if you build one, just gift it to me. :wink: ;D

I just launched a thread on the same topic, just see the reactions, same like here:

no one’s thinking.

That is going from the sublime to the ridiculous.
What I’m talking about is the OS having to be backward compatible with 32bit systems and applications, so that has to be built into the OS. No doubt adding complexity and a degree of bloat.

There are many that said MS missed a great opportunity to have Win7 64bit only, but I guess they didn’t want to risk low pick-up that would force users to either update their systems, peripherals and or their software so it would run on the 64bit OS, if it wasn’t backwards compatible wilt 32bit software.

There are many that said MS missed a great opportunity to have Win7 64bit only, but I guess they didn't want to risk low pick-up that would force users to either update their systems, peripherals and or their software so it would run on the 64bit OS, if it wasn't backwards compatible wilt 32bit software.

think so. but, what else can one do?

they do ;D most people there run 64 bit Vista and they’re happy about it. It’s nice for RAM and may be (a bit) more stability and speed…but that’s about it. It’s true most apps are still 32 bit; I’m not a dev, so I can’t tell why it is so, but I can say most apps I run as a result of the developers’ choices are 32 bit and they run fast enough when compared, when possible for some of them, with a few of their 64 bit equivalents. 64 bit oriented systems seem to give an edge to hardware only. There seem to be issues developing 64 bits applications, can’t go into details I never wrote a lign of code in my life, but I just read it many times. So 128 bit is a bit premature may be…

now I see some are thinking.

good ;D

one more- found this today : pcpro

yeah the article refers to the same source arstechnica referred to yesterday. I think it can be trusted.