Microsoft takes a 'Patch Tuesday' break

Microsoft has no new security updates planned for Tuesday, despite at least five zero-day vulnerabilities that are waiting to be fixed.

Isn’t that nice of them? ???

hey marc57+++KISS RULES+++

I agree with your sentiments my friend, I think they enjoy leaving us twisting in the wind.

This is a surprise I actually don’t like… What can I say: people, keep all your security software up-to-date as it’s possible.

So many unsatisfied Microsoft customers :frowning: Come join the revolution 8) Or just get Linux :wink:

Despite a rash of gushing news stories about the successes of Apple Computer’s Mac OS X (on the client) and Linux (on the server),
Windows not only continues to dominate its rivals in both markets but also is growing in both markets.

A very old Article dated October 2003

Despite a rash of gushing news stories about the successes of Apple Computer's Mac OS X (on the client) and Linux (on the server), Windows not only continues to dominate its rivals in both markets but also is growing in both markets. [b]Market researchers at IDC say that various versions of the Windows desktop and server OSs currently dominate their respective markets and will continue to do so for at least the next 4 years. [/b]

Coming to the end of this 4 year estimate, not to mention that a year in IT is a very long time so forecasts from Oct 2003 were a life time ago.

4 years ago apple still used PowerPC. The intel shift really helped them. David says it best:

a year in IT is a very long time so forecasts from Oct 2003 were a life time ago.

I had Xandros Linux 1, then Xandros 2 on my hard drive. Too many problems downloading & installing downloads. Xandros 1 was better than 2. This issue is the same with the other distros of Linux. Why don’t the techs at the zillion Linux distros get together & work out a system for downloading & integrating software in Linux???

Linux has a long ways to go before it is ready for prime time.

My next computer will most likely be a Mac.

Sure, you may just ask yourself one question. What will users run on MacOS X ? Pretty much nothing useful…