Microsoft to rush out emergency IE patch!!!

Microsoft to rush out emergency IE patch :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the heads up
Here’s another link:

Hmmmp that sure tooook long! ;D

Yet there r still many in the world who use IE as their main browser^^


The problem exists for everyone as IE is embedded into the OS, so even if you don’t use it as the default browser you still need to close the vulnerability, as some links can open IE.

Just got an e-mail from MS conserning the out-of-band patch.
For those interested:

I just have to take a couple of senteces from the bulletin:

The second bulletin contains defense-in-depth changes to Internet Explorer to address attack vectors related to the Visual Studio bulletin, as well as fixes for unrelated vulnerabilities that are rated Critical. Customers who are up to date on their security updates are protected from known attacks related to this out-of-band release.

Quite clear,isn’t it?