Microsoft updates doesnt work since installing avast free.

I’m a new user. Since installing avast free, the updates for microsoft windows wont work. I get no error messages, just "cannot be downloaded. Is there some exlusion or something I need to set in avast.

Could you tell us the version of Windows you’re using? Also which version of Avast? (a new version was released today). Also are there any other Security software installed?

I dont think Avast has to do anything with whats going on… You dont have to add any exclusions to download and install windows updates…

I am running win xp sp3. Avast is 6.0.1000. After your response, I did some more checking. Microsoft advised me to run a clean boot. I did and was able to get the updates. I really like avast and was glad it wasnt your problem. Thanks for the quick response.

No worries, glad its working now…