Minecraft (and every other Java process) freezes

Ok, so, I installed Avast recently. The problem is: Minecraft, which I own, and EVERY other Java process gets impossibly frozen, at the point that the only thing I can do with them is closing them, with taskkill or by the Task Manager. I already added Java and Minecraft folders and files to the exclusions, but still this didn’t solve anything. Also took a peak at some of the related topics here on the Avast forum, but still have the problem, and it’s confirmed that the problem is actually from Avast. Please someone help me, or I’ll have to uninstall Avast! :-[

Update to the latest version (18.3.2333): https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=217950.0

Hello el3triK_
we would need few data to analyze the issue.
Can you capture a procmon log and a dump of frozen process ?

  1. download procmon tool from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/procmon
  2. run procmon
  3. induce the issue (start minecraft process and wait for a while)
  4. save procmon log to file and upload it to avast (menu File->Save… | check all events option ! and Native procmon format should be default)

Dump file can be created via task mgr (ctrl + shift + esc)
Select process and right click → create dump file

Thank you !