Minor issue with the new AvastUI.exe

I love Avast to death, but with the new update to Avast 7, I’m having an issue. My laptop, Alienware M11x, has 2 graphics cards, an Intel and a Nvidia. When I want to switch between the two, I have to close all programs that use the graphics card (Or at least, that’s my understanding.), and it will not allow me to switch until I do so. Until Avast 7, Avast did not prevent me from switching graphics cards, but now I have to disable the self-defense module and end AvastUI.exe every time I switch.

Is there anything that can be done about this?

Same issue. This new component is complicating the switching of the nVidia Hybrid Graphics on Ailenware M11x laptops. Please fix this. I am confused why an anti-virus application would need to access the graphics hardware…only apps that utilize the hardware are required to be closed before switching…

I would personally do a clean install using the removal tool and try installing the latest betaRC2 which is very stable http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=94790.0

and why would you install that (7.0.1414) when latest release is 7.0.1426

Same computer, same issue.

Thing is, I don’t find it minor: I’m stuck with the least powerful graphic card since I cannot kill Avast and disabling the shields is not enough (the process avastui.exe is the one which causes the concern). Granted, the UI is quite beautiful, but this is a problem to me.

Any fix or at least a workaround? Please do not include the “start in safe mode, switch the GC and restart Windows normally” as a workaround, since it is pretty heavy procedure…

This is not a minor issue for me.

I have an Asus UL80Vt which has Intel integrated graphics and a Nvidia G 210M that are switchable on the fly. Except no more. I am told I need to stop avastui.exe to be able to switch modes.

Except I can’t shut down avastui.exe through Task Manager.

I want to remove Avast until this is fixed, and install version 6. Is there any way to download and install the older program version?

Here you can find the 6.0.1367
I’m sorry this problem isn’t solved yet

I suggest to you to disconnect from internet, until you’ve successfully install the old version

Same issue with ASUS UL50, please fix it!!!

Isn’t it only recommended to close opened apps? (according to this screenshot: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/837/pic1ev.jpg/)
or does it detect running apps?

I’d suggest you to disable self-protection module (in Settings/Troubleshooting), run regedit.exe, and create a new value in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AVAST Software\ExitInTray (choose DWORD, value=1). Turn self-protection on. Now you can exit avastui from its tray icon.