Minor Posting Problems

Has anyone else noticed these 3 problems with the board?

Occasionally, the Bulletin Board Codes, italics, emoticons, etc., stop working. When selecting a control, I still hear the click acknowledging my action, but the corresponding text is not inserted into the message. The BBC’s fail every time I have referrers blocked in my firewall; I’ve come to accept that as normal behavior, but sometimes they just stop working regardless of the setting. Once they fail, they don’t work again until I close all windows open to the site, though admittedly I haven’t tried just logging off and back on again.

Sometimes the Preview button doesn’t work; instead it posts the message. I’m not sure whether enabling or disabling referrers has any relation to this.

I’ve also noticed that occasionally the scroll bar acts improperly on long posts, although the length varies. Using the mouse wheel to scroll works fine, but clicking on it jumps to the top or bottom of the message instead of paging up or down. IIRC, dragging the scroll button sometimes result in the same behavior.

Usually these failures go hand-in-hand; once one occurs, the others do too. There seems to be a pattern: a particularly long message and/or a long time spent composing it.

Edit: I recently hit the problem with the bulletin board codes failing. On a subsequent post, they were working again, without requiring me to close all windows to the site.


Hi H.C.

I’ve only noticed the second prob. ie ‘preview posts’ and that was only once (yesterday). I was sure I had clicked the preview button, but eventually convinced myself that I must have been wrong. I guess you’ve now confirmed that I have a little sanity left. :-\

What I have noticed for a long time is the e-mail notification to posts is very erratic. This was brought up once before, but the admin ‘poo poo’ed’ it :-\

The other things you mention, no… I haven’t experienced those.

Old W.

I also experienced trouble using emoticons and posting instead of going to preview. I had recently changed some of IE’s security settings regarding ActiveX, Java etc. so I changed some back and everything was fine again, I put it down to disabling Java (I assume the emoticons use Java) maybe you’ve changed these too? I hope this post helps.

The young Walker is right again…
Hornus, sometimes I experienced the troubles you mentioned but the frequency was not as high as the e-mail’s troubles…

Anyway, let’s be patient, the forum is very good and fast ;D

;D ;D ;D

Your after me sending you a big xmas present, are’nt you Tech. :wink: ;D

Getting older W.

At the moment, I believe the age of each one of us is shown in the k@rmas… I’m becoming older than you :stuck_out_tongue: But, let’s not mess the Hornus forum ;D As I said in other post, Hornus, problems comes and go… specially with a boot between both of the situations 8)


I haven’t changed my browser settings for quite some time, once I learned how to configure them properly.


You’re right, the occurrences are infrequent and easily worked around. I just wanted to see how prevalent they are. If it’s widespread, perhaps the moderators will submit a trouble report to YABB.

Can you elaborate on the e-mail notification problems you’re experiencing? The only unusual thing that I’ve noticed in that area is that when I click on the link in a notification, the behavior varies. Sometimes a new browser window is opened, sometimes a current window is reused (only windows opened to forum pages). Sometimes focus switches automatically to the window with the thread displayed, and sometimes I have to switch to it manually.



For me, it is that e-mail notifications are not reliable… … sometimes I get them, sometimes I don’t. Other times they can come a day or more after the post !?


Sometimes, I receive more than one email to the same forum. I mean, even I was the last one to post, I received - sometimes, maybe only a few days ago - 5 or 6 identical emails…

The other troubles I did not experience… The link opens in the same window of the last opened one (I mean, OE allow to open a new browser window for the links at the emails but just only one, the new links open in this same window). No troubles switching or focus…

Very good indeed. :wink: