Minor bug in protection status section
I don’t If It’s just me but when I come to protection status section and aim at Mail Shield I see only Tested / Infected mails. But there should be Last tested mail and last infected mail under It. The funniest thing is when you aim at for example Web shield and then point again at mail shield - you see Last tested website and Last infected website. Just a detail. You could fix that.
Bug in silent/gaming mode (maybe It’s purposely)
When you active Silent/gaming mode by tray icon and open Avast! UI everything seems to be ok. But when you close the UI, the silent/gaming mode automatically turns off.
And last bug …
When I activate silent/gaming mode in settings > silent/gaming mode and hit Ok the avast! icon disappears for a while.
Confirmed with the Mail Shield segment in the protection wheel.
Though as I have only had spam today and MailWasher Pro deletes that at server level so it never gets through mine is 0/0 so I don’t know if that would have any impact; probably not as my script shield is also 0/0 and if I start on that it shows all fileds.
Silent Gaming mode - I closed the avastUI started silent gaming mode from the tray icon, opened the UI, and it shows it is On. Confirmed, Closing the UI and Opening the UI again and it is off.
Silent gaming mode selected from settings > silent/gaming mode, no problem avast tray icon remains in place.
I can confirm all 3 points from “DavidR” on my system, even the event with the tray icon, it stays on spot.
But regarding the tray icon a have a similar (?) happening: sporadically it disappears, while the gap where it normally sits is still there. When you click on the gap the avast! GUI shows up as normal. After may be a minute or so it appears again.
There is no special event causing this behaviour, at least not so far as I know.