Miranda: call avast to scan downloaded files

Hi there,
I recently moved to Miranda as my main messaging program 'cause it supports multiple protocols (including Facebook, Skype and Discord) and it’s lightweight.
Since those protocols also allow users to share files, I wanted to call avast in order to scan each and every downloaded file once the download finishes.
I noticed that Miranda has an option to do just that and I filled it like so:

C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\avast\ashCmd.exe %f

where %f is a string containing the path and the name of the file to be scanned automatically populated by Miranda.


Am I doing it correctly?

OS: Windows XP SP3 x86 with Premium Security Updates 'till July 2019
AV: Avast Premier 18.8.2356 (build 18.8.4084.409)

Well you could (you may want to add some configuration switches like /a to make sure the file gets scanned no matter the extension, possibly /t=something to configure the unpackers) - but it may not be very nice as ashCmd.exe is a console application, so it probably opens a console window each time it’s called.
For this purpose the ashQuick.exe file is meant; unless it finds any malware, it’s completely silent. If it finds anything, it will show a message box. (All unpackers should be enabled by default here.)