I noticed there are several older threads about mIRC, but when I started to post in one of those, it asks am I sure I don’t want to start a new topic since those are old…

avast recently updated (maybe today)
i got a warning about mIRC, and maybe i selected the wrong thing. although it seemed none of the options said to allow the file.

now i can’t start mirc unless i stop the ‘standard’ protection.

can’t find anywhere where to remove mirc from the virus list. is it possible?

thanks alot for any help.

Hello here !

I have the same problem than lucyo since this morning (18/06/2007) after the last automatic definitions virus update. I need also to stop the resident protection, start MIRC.exe and then restrart the residant protection of Avast.

MIRC.EXE is in my exclusion list (Avast find a trjan !), but since this morning I have some advertising screens.

Thank you for helping.

Hello :slight_smile:

If you are sure this is wrong detection (you can check the file with others scanners at www.virustotal.com to see if only avast detects the file as virus) - please send the wrong detected file to virus[at]avast[dot]com in password protected archive, and for mail subject write “False Positive”, so that alwil team can fix the false positives :wink:

Yes, this is possible - till the fp is fixed you can add the file to Standard Shield exclusion list, and thus avast won’t scan the file :wink:

I don’t get this - are you saying that you have added the file to the exclusion list and it’s still being scanned ? Are you sure you have added this file correctly (the whole path to the file must be added to the list)? What are these advertising ?

this may sound like a stupid qustion, but what password should we protect the file with.

I added mirc to the exclusion list .
after adding mirc to the exclusion list, i still couldn’t run mirc, til i stopped the standard shield.

now that i’ve stopped the standard shield, I can’t figure out how to restart it…
or see the exclusion file, to double check that i added it correctly, although i’m pretty sure i did since i used browse and found the file.

Well, it doesn’t metter what password will you use - just be sure to include the password in the mail body. But usually the password used is “virus” :wink:

I suppose you have added the file to the program exclusion list - try adding it to the exclusion list of the Standard Shield - click on the “a” ball icon in your system tray , the Resident protection window should open, after that choose Standard Shield → Settings → Advanced and enter the path to the file in the exclusion list (you have to enter the path manual)
To start the Standard Shield - click on the “a” ball icon , and from the window choose Standart Shield → Start :wink:

Having the same problem with avast since yesterday detecting mirc.exe as trojan when i know its not and have used same progam for a few years .
Sign of “Win32:Trojan-gen. {Other}” has been found in “C:[eX]MIRC\mirc.exe” file.
I also have it on exclusions:
C:[eX]MIRC\mirc.exe and as soon as standard shield goes on it blocks my mirc.
I found this on google -
Some antivirus programs have been found that incorrectly report virii in some DLL files
(nHTMLn.dll and stdio.dll for the most part). This is wrong, these “infections” are false positives.
stdio.dll is found in mirc/invision as part of pkzip and winamp.
I have deleted pkzip and stdio.dll since i dont use winamp anyway and its still coming up and have also scanned using other av scan engines and they find nothing only avast finds something wrong.

There were recent VPS (virus database) updates. Don’t they correct this?

i’m using the home version.
what i did was right click on the ball, and added it to the program settings exclusions, like you thought i did.

i dont see settings advanced, when i click on standard shield…
i see normal/high/custom/

i dont see anywhere to add anything to an exclusion list here.

To get to the settings in the Standard Shield provider you need to click Customize, from here you will see a number of Tabs, select the Advanced tab.


Hello !

to solve temporally this problem, you can as explained add an exclusion in the standard shield parameters (advanced tab). Add *mirc.exe and mirc run whitout any Avast message.

No problem, welcome to the forums.

Remember, a temporally solution… the virus database detection, if it is wrong, should be corrected in a near future. Then, remove the item from the exclusion lists to do not lower the protection.

i’m curious how a program like mirc would get added to a virus list…
that’s like adding eudora, internet explorer, firefox, outlook… all of those programs you can get viruses/trojans when you use them, but they themselves are not a virus/trojan.

is it because those who write some trojans/viruses, have them secretly install mirc on people’s computers for the purpose of spreading the trojan/virus?

I don’t think so.
Just that avast has added wrong/messed signatures in its own virus database. A correction (update) of it should correct the false detection too.

Hi everyone,

can someone tell me more informations about his problem.
mIRC version ?
avast! version ?
OS ?
another antivirus is installed ?

Its for testing purposes, bcs i cannot simulate same behavior as you describing …