I run a network with mostly remote clients. I would like to set up SOA to have some centralized management. I would also like to set up a mirror for bandwidth savings, primarily for internal clients. Some of the remote clients may not connect to the network for a week or two when they are in the field.
Is it possible to set up internal clients to use the mirror and remote clients get their updates directly over the Internet but still have statistics and other management functions controlled by SOA?
When you configure the central administration tool there is an option that when the local update server can not be reached, the client automatically will get the updates from the internet server.
Check in the group properties where the computer objects are located
I know with the old ADNM it was possible to have the clients check in remotely to report if the correct firewall ports were forwarded. We are about to help one such customer migrate and im hopeful this still works well in AEA.
i believe that when you open ports to your central management server, it is a security risk but that would be the own choice.
When the ports are opened the client probably wants to download the updates from the internal server (there is contact with it after all) and losing the bandwith saving you try to accomplish