Mirror Issue

I’ve recently found myself migrating our EAS/AEA to our new Windows 2012 R2 platform and it appears when the installation gets to the point of creating a mirror, it errors out. It appears our original mirror stopped working around the 17th of last month as well.

Checking the mirror manually from multiple locations shows obvious issues:

$ wget
–2014-08-21 15:40:59--
Connecting to… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 400 Bad Request
2014-08-21 15:41:00 ERROR 400: Bad Request.

C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Enterprise Administration\mirror>mirror
mirror begin…
Using server: http://x4263354.iavs5x.u.avast.com/iavs5x
Using server: http://v2095808.iavs5x.u.avast.com/iavs5x
Setting product ‘abp’ files (683 of 688 set)
Resetting existing files (reset 157 files, leaving 526 files).
Using server: http://t5085699.iavs5x.u.avast.com/iavs5x
mirroring ‘abp’.
Downloading file: jrog2-ad2-ad1.vpx ================================= 100%/ 0%
Using server: http://k8814960.iavs5x.u.avast.com/iavs5x
downloading of file ‘jrog2-ad2-ad1.vpx’ failed.
Error (20000006): Other HTTP error (403), while trying

Is there a known issue with this mirror? Any way to force the mirror to NOT use this Akamai CDN node?

Figured this out… DOH! It looks like an upstream Untangle’s “Ad Blocker” is seeing the “/iavs5x/jrog2-ad2-ad1.vpx” location as Ads and blocking them.


OMG thank you - I had been racking my head for over a week - I had finally posted to the Avast forums here: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=153726.0 but hadn’t gotten any suggestions - I had checked my Untangle firewall but never thought to check the ad blocker. Manually updating my mirror now - I do wonder what the heck changed on July 17th in the ad blocker module that broke the ability to update (since it worked flawlessly before then).

Gremlins Tony, blame it on the Gremlins ;D