Missed detection for sitemap malware? [SOLVED]

See: Up(nil): unknown_html ARIN US noc at theplanet.com to zzboke dot net htXp://zzboke.net/
Evidence of malcode in hxtp://www.zzboke.net/?sitemap
see: http://evuln.com/tools/malware-scanner/zzboke.net/
Bitdefender TrafficLight blocks site as with malware


Vulnerability on site exists with XML-RPC for PHP (ping back hole and other code injection vulnerabilities on older versions)
Should be debugged with the only online debugger known: http://gggeek.altervista.org/sw/xmlrpc/debugger/


For the IP I get a a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request, while there are 76 sites on that same IP:
http://sameid.net/ip/ → nothing here: http://www.ipvoid.com/scan/
Some domains for that IP are flagged as ET CURRENT_EVENTS Blackhole 2 Landing Page
ASN Unknown
Location Unknown or unspecified country coukld not be retrieved (probably US)
Also consider: http://www.urlvoid.com/ip/


Had the malcode been there, avast! Web Shield would have flagged it as it did here -http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13429127/unknown-script-in-my-index-php-produce-malware-have-i-been-hacked
detected as JS:Decode-LD[Trj] for raw code see: http://ninjafirewall.com/malware/index.php?threat=2012-12-03.02 (unless not blocked by BitdefenderTrafficLight)
Decoding example: http://ddecode.com/phpdecoder/?results=6ecf41fda50ef099b9e02b47759e79c7
