See: Trojans detected:
Object: htxp://
SHA1: caecb82361641b232a8ea610b037eca1f2151656
Name: TrojWare.JS.Agent.weq
Real issue:
Sucuri detects:
Also see:
54 detected suspicious files by Quttera’s:
Detected reference to blacklisted domain. - http-generator: ERROR: Script execution failed
tls-nextprotoneg: | spdy/3.1 vulnerable for the SSL session reuse vulnerability
Strict-Transport-Security does not appear to be found in the site’s HTTP header, so browsers will not try to access your pages over SSL first. CRIME vulnerability?
Not detected Content-Security-Policy , x-webkit-csp, or even x-webkit-csp-report-only in the site’s HTTP header.
Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies does not appear to be found in the site’s HTTP header, so it’s possible that cross domain policies can be set by other users on your site and be obeyed by Adobe Flash and pdf files…
Various Good Policy with 5 Happy Findings from Site’s Header Tests.
See suspicious script attached as image - benign translates as:
//document.write (s) <script language="javascript">function dF(s){var s1=unescape(s.substr(0,s.length-1)); var t='';for(i=0;i<s1.length;i++)t+=String.fromCharCode(s1.charCodeAt(i)-s.substr(s.length-1,1));document.write(unescape(t));}</script>