Missing Drivers because of stupidity.

Misread that I could uninstall my USB Drivers and they would reinstall on a reboot. That didn’t happen.
Now I have no Driversfor USB Ports. Also root hubs for USB Ports disappeared. When I find Drivers, How do I download and install?
Thanks in advance. They appear to be Intel Drivers.

Welcome to the forums carogator,

First, you may check your Chipset / Motherboard CD. Use it to find the right driver.

if not found there or no cd/dvd available, search on ur system manufactorers hp 4 drivers.

What is your OS?
Normally they should automatically reinstall…

Yes, thats right.

Can you provide more information, like the OS on yr computer, please? As Zyndstoff asks.

Also, can you take a screenshot of yr Device Manager, please?
How to access Device Manager - http://pcsupport.about.com/od/driverssupport/f/access-device-manager.htm
Once in Device Manager, press key Print Screen/Sys Req (or similar) at type right-hand corner of keyboard
Open MS Paint - find Edit tab on toolbar across top of screen - on the drop down menu, click Paste

  • save the screenshot as a JPEG or GIF file
  • attach to post to forum using Additional Options function in lower left-hand corner of Post reply screen

If possible, are you able to locate the model number of yr motherboard?

Even if u have a CD with the original driver info, those drivers will likely be well out of date. From there tho u could go to website to download current drivers OR u could do what many other ppl do and get an app that u can use to update all the drivers–I use Driver Detective but there are many others…Basically the program scans ur computer and then lists the drivers that are out of date (or missing) and u can then just click on what u need and it downloads the driver-u open and voila Current drivers

yep, exactly, and if they don’t there’s something wrong with the OS setup…as said a chipset drivers reinstall (found on Intel web site) should still solve the issue…

u can find the automatic intel driver update utility here: