Missing File and Component

Greetings All

I really need help with this please

In Oct 2005 I downloaded and installed Avast4.6 home, registered, inserted the licence key successfully, enabled and working smoothly. Shortly after however, I noticed that the small round blue system tray icon had vanished.

Since then I have not been able to access the application. When I try - Start - Programs - Avast! Antivirus - and enter the licence key when prompted it returns the error message - “Invalid licence number” - which it isn’t.

Another attempt today to overcome this problem resulted in a ‘windows security alert’ - “Your antivirus tool is switched off”. And in trying to fix this security issue I discovered that the “ashDisp.exe” program file had gone bye bys (most likely long gone).

All helpfull feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

Bullet65 Ben

Welcome to the forum Ben.

ashDisp.exe puts the icon in your system tray. Avast! should run without it, so there is more than just it’s disappearance going on.

Are you able to access the avast! web site to download a new copy of the program? If you are, download it to a convenient location, uninstall and re-install. After the reboot update the definitions and immediately schedule a boot scan, then reboot again. If anything is found try to quarantine instead of deleting files.

Please post again with the results of the boot scan as well as what operating system you have.

Hi there mauserme

Many thanks for the rapid & helpful reply.
Yes your’e right about the icon, it’s the splash screen and the little ‘enter registration’ dialog box that are rejecting the licence key.

Yes - in two ticks I’ll be at the avast web site downloading a fresh one. I’m running windows xp pro with sp2 pack.

Will keep you abreast of my progress.

Thank you again


Your registration is probably out of date or very close assuming you got that at the same time Oct 205, re-register and you will be sent another.

Complete the avast! 4 Home Registration form and you will receive an email from register @ avast.com (without the spaces) with your registration key.

Hello David

twice already this year I’ve re-registered and both times re-supplied with the identical licence keys. That’s how I know the licence key isn’t invalid

All the best


Had you said that then I wouldn’t have offered it as a suggestion.

If you are cutting and pasting the key ensure that you don’t have a trailing space after the key.
Q: “Invalid license number”. Why? http://www.avast.com/eng/faq-registration-license.html#idt_220 Or Insert Registration Key - Video

I think this part should have priority since it may be a result of infection. Can you check in the task manager to see if ashServe.exe is running?

ashServ.exe :wink:

Hi there Mauserme

All is now hunky dory, tikkityboo, and I’m tired.
Followed your guide - and no viruses, but a few strained muscles at boot-ups. System Mechanic-5 and TWO lots of MSM Msgr adding themselves to Windows start-up config, somewhat lengthening the time of windows re-booting. I detest MSN Msgr.

Still, a disc cleanup here and a defrag there and some tweaking ought to have it back to acceptable performance.

As for ashServ.exe running in Task Manager, by the time I read your post I could’nt be sure from which version - old or new - of Avast4home you meant. I checked with the new, and yes it is.

I’m very grateful for your constructive, instructive assisstance on this one. Much obliged.

Thank you


You’re welcome Ben. Glad i could help.
