Mit Companion App detected as a virus

I’m getting an issue that started 2 days ago. My phone is a Huwaei installed with an Avast mobile virus scan, which I have since beginning of this year. I have mit Companion 2 app installed since then and never had any issues, but now is detecting a threat within it and advising to uninstall. I did uninstall and downloaded again from Google store, but again the same error. Could you please advise if there was any virus threat update in Avast lately that is causing getting false positives for some applications?

Many thanks in advance.

Best Regards,
Marcelino Cabral

We generaly deal exclusively with PC/Windows malware here. I recommend you post to this subforum instead >>

It is where AVG and Avast detection go hand in hand:!topic/mitappinventortest/vG3RsX_sSL8

Post it in the appropriate section of avast forums.
By the way, what did Virus Total app for android come up with scanning that application?

I would advise people to get Virus Total app on their cellphones, at least for a second opinion.
