I know most people would say ZoneAlarm free one. That’s what I have used for some time however I have noticed some functional differences since I started using it. Not security compromising but not appealing to my compulsive behavior in doing things the same way continuously. I’m curious to see some valid opinions and not go with my stubborn opinion. What firewall do people enjoy, how long have you used it and why do you use it over another? Thanks for the information I am just looking to keep current with what is best. Have a great day
In my personal opinion:
Online Armour
Outpost Firewall Free
Personal Firewall Tests & Results. Firewall rating:
About the leak tests limitations: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=29259.msg247460#msg247460
i use comodo firewall ;D, because it is absolutely free, and also it’s feature.
Ohh Comodo huh? Never herd of it but I have been out of the loop for some time hehe. Two recommendations for it. I’ll have to try that site you posted Tech. Just out of curiosity what makes Comodo shine over the rest?
My vote would be for “Online Armor Free” its a personal choice really.
Online Armor & Comodo either is as good as the other.
The Comodo Firewall can be used with or without the HIPS component it has. With or without the HIPS, it’s an excellent, highly configurable two way Firewall and has no compatibility issues with the free Avast!.
I like ZoneAlarm Free for it’s very easy to use, lite on my systems & trouble free.
Back when I was on DSL my modem went bad, Verizon sent me a new one (same model),
but it was pinging and/or responding to pings. As a result a hacker was trying to break into
my system, I got a pop up alerting me that someone was trying to shutdown ZoneAlarm.
ZoneAlarm held strong! Just for fun and to confuse the hacker(s) I put in a live MEPIS
Linux CD before I went to bed. They never came back. ;D
Until your security programs are put to the test you don’t know how good they are.
Avast!, WinPatrol and ZoneAlarm have never let me down.
Keep your security programs up to date!
ZoneAlarm Free is the newest version. http://www.filehippo.com/download_zonealarm_free/
Which of the three (Comodo, Online Armour and Zone Alarm) is lighter on the system (eating less RAM and CPU)? And which one is the best to use (meaning no problems) with Avast AV and Sandboxie? Thanx!
We can’t go by Task Manager to determine who is lighter as a lot “flies under the radar”.
We can only go by “seat of the pants feel”.
You don’t tug on Superman’s cape
You don’t spit into the wind
You don’t pull the mask off the Lone Ranger
And you don’t mess around with ZoneAlarm ;D
Borrowed From Jim Croce ;D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQrTGE4wwwA
I had various problems using all of the free firewalls other than Comodo with Avast!. Zone Alarm was bulky and I didn’t like the interface. PCTools had problems with Steam and uTorrent and also caused one hard lockup when opening a program the first time. I had to disable Avast! to let the Firewall create rules. I had the same lockup problems with both Online Armor and Outpost and when I disabled the HIPS of OA, I suddenly lost permissions to my hard drive. It said I had no page file and wouldn’t let me create one. It also said I couldn’t use system restore and even system info didn’t work. I did a Google search and found a post that said to check the security settings for the HD. When I did, I found there was no entry for Administrators or SYSTEM. I had to manually recreate those groups and give them full access to regain full use of my computer.
I have tried/used pretty much all of the firewall listed above. Choosing the right firewall depends on your preferred configuration UI and desired complexity level.
I have been using Sunbelt Personal Firewall ( http://www.sunbeltsoftware.com/Home-Home-Office/Sunbelt-Personal-Firewall/ ) for more then five years, and it suits me.
It comes in a free for home use version, which looses some features after 30 days (I disable them after installation). It can be used in a “simple mode” but it’s the advanced mode that I like.
With the advanced mode you can (as usual) allow/block programs etc. But also create your own rules based on program/protocol/IP/range/port etc. (You can even write your own NIPS (signature based) rules using the SNORT standard)
Try them all, use what suits you.
If you are looking for a light weight firewall, I would recommend
GhostWall FireWall
It is only 700kb
But you need to know how to define Firewall rules
Right on everybody. Thanks for all the information I may have to try a few of these just for fun anyway. ZoneAlarm has this weird feature now where whenever a program opens it adds to the access list with a ? no matter if it tries to access the net or not. That’s one thing that confuses me… maybe there is a way to turn it off but it’s enough of a reason to make me stop using it. Maybe I’m misinterpreting how the program functions, which is completely possible.
Dch48 wow sounds like you have had some pretty annoying troubles with other firewalls. I don’t think I’ll be using them. It seems like Comodo is “the best” but maybe that is a cliche amongst communities like this haha. I’ll have to give it a try instead of ZoneAlarm. Maybe the GUI suits my compulsive desire to be in control of everything. This new “smart program detection” thing is bugging me on ZoneAlarm. I have no idea what feature it is or if I’m crazy but I sure don’t like it! LOL @ rdmaloyjr… that was funny. Chris Thomas, you indirectly helped a user in the virus & worms section on dialup looking for protection/cleaning procedures, thanks for the information everyone.
Great! ;D
I’ve been using Comodo per recommendations here. It seems to be really solid I like how strict you can set the rules. It alerts me about even the smallest connections.
Put Alert Settings (Very High)
Predefined Policy (Ask and log any TCP/UDP connection) ← Should I just choose the “IP” option it seems to include a lot more protocols. Not sure if that would cause a huge spam of alerts though.
IT’s really smooth!
I set those up for all applications. I get a lot of alerts but wow I like it! Really suits my compulsive desire to be in charge of every connection.
Thanks for the recommendation!
Just another question does anybody recommend any ICMP rules? There are some by default already set I see those as being sufficient. Thanks again
Another thing does anybody have a list of all the ports AvastSvc listens/transmits on? Comodo is showing a healthy group of connection/listens from AvastSvc.exe. Just curious if someone has already done this
I was concerned about it too until it was pointed out that it was the web shield that was causing all those connections and it was normal behavior.
Awesome! I figured it was part of the resident protection but I appreciate the conformation. Looks like Avast! is doing quite a bit to protect gotta love that