Mobile Anti-Theft in China

I recently installed Anti-Theft component on my friends phone and now he is traveling with this phone in China. Unfortunately he reports and I confirm it, what component is not able to determine phone location doesn’t matter thru web access or by binary SMS. Perhaps web functionality is blocked by “Grate Firewall”, but why it doesn’t work via binary SMS?

The Great Firewall is just a name.
It is more then just blocking internet things.
Also related things fall under that name.

So, there is no way to get it functional in China?

To be honest, I don’t know.
I do know China is lately blocking av vendors and other companies that are not Chinese.
Ofcourse they deny it, but the main reason is protectionism and keeping control.

If you (or your friend) know Chinese, I would say post a message in the Chinese forum here and ask.
Or perhaps use a online translator or someone who can/will translate it for you.