A bit under two years ago, I subscribed to Avast Mobile Security Pro and Cleanup Pro for my Android phones. At the time I created a MyAvast account and linked them to it specifically for the anti-theft features. The in app link to My Avast sent me to the Devices page, where first my old, then also my new phone appeared. I never looked around enough to notice there was a Subscriptions page there too, so I don’t know what did or didn’t appear on it.
Day before yesterday I bought Avast Premier for my Windows laptop. I then linked that to the same My Avast account. The link in that sends me straight to the Subscriptions page where the PC Avast Premier subscription is shown - but NOT the Avast Mobile Security Pro or Cleanup Pro. While the Devices page shows both old and new phones, but NOT the PC. Surely this cannot be right? In the one My Avast account, a subscription page with PC but not phone apps, and a devices page with phones but not PC (where it could list that I have it, even if there is no anti-theft for it).
This does not appear to be a well thought out, robust, joined up system. Which is worrying.
The current information about devices and subscriptions shown on the Avast Account is as follows:
Only Android devices on which you have at some point enabled the Anti-Theft feature of Android Mobile Security are shown under the devices section.
Historically, it was possible to add PC/Mac devices to the account as well, but recently this functionality had to be removed. Please see this forum topic from May for more information and discussion about this change.
Historically, only licenses purchased directly from Avast were viewable in the Subscriptions section. These licenses are predominantly for PC and Mac, although Avast SecureLine VPN licenses for Android/iOS mobile devices are available for purchase, and will show under the Subscriptions section if purchased via our website rather than Google/Apple stores.
As of Avast Mobile Security 6.20.1 (released to all users at the end of last week), licenses for Avast Mobile Security Pro and Avast Mobile Ultimate (but not currently Ultimate Multi) will be shown under the subscriptions page as long as an Android device with an active subscription is linked to the Avast account.
We realise that this currently leaves the account pages lopsided as regards the information provided, and there are further changes planned - for example, our mobile teams are actively working to integrate more information about mobile subscriptions purchased via Google Play.
I have to say I agree with those in that thread complaining. There really should be entries for PCs with some status information, even if no anti-theft control. It is disappointing that there isn’t.
Historically, only licenses purchased directly from Avast were viewable in the Subscriptions section. These licenses are predominantly for PC and Mac, although Avast SecureLine VPN licenses for Android/iOS mobile devices are available for purchase, and will show under the Subscriptions section if purchased via our website rather than Google/Apple stores.
As of Avast Mobile Security 6.20.1 (released to all users at the end of last week), licenses for Avast Mobile Security Pro and Avast Mobile Ultimate (but not currently Ultimate Multi) will be shown under the subscriptions page as long as an Android device with an active subscription is linked to the Avast account.
I have Avast Mobile Security Pro 6.20.1 on my Android Phone (linked to my account and showing on the devices page), but it does not appear on the subscriptions page, only my new Avast Premier subscription for my laptop.
I apologise, I omitted one further requirement for the Avast mobile licenses to be visible in the account - they have to be subscriptions newly purchased from Google Play. The development team are working on on the implementation of existing licenses, and you will be able to sync these licenses with your Avast account in future versions.
Once again, I am sorry that the account does not show the complete information about your subscriptions. Thank you for your patience whilst the development teams continue to work on implementing the new features.
I am very glad to read that this issue will be fixed! I also went to my account page and was concerned that none of my mobile subscriptions were shown.