mobile Phone bent, I forgot the Pin, please help me!

hello everyone! :slight_smile:

I’ve got a question: Many month ago I installed anti theft on my mobile phone (unfortunately i don’t notice the pin i’ve chosen)…
Then my moblie was bent…it’s 3 month ago…

Saturday I got the information from avast, that the sim was changed…I also got the new number of the sim card the theft put in the phone.

Avast sent me GPS informations until yesterday morning.

My questions:

  1. Is it normal, that avast stops sending GPS data after a while or can I take it that the theft has formated the phone?
  2. I installed the application, but I didn’t sign up at the avast website…do I have any chance to get the pin, to send instructions to the phone?

please excuse my bad english…I hope you understand what i mean, anyway :slight_smile: