Moboplayer - Android:SpyAgent-KJ [PUP]

For the first time ever, AMS has actually done something on my devices and I don’t know what to do about it.

When I try to run Moboplayer, I get an Avast popup accusing it of containing a PUP (Android:SpyAgent-KJ [PUP]. I get the same result on my Nexus7 [4.1.2] and Xperia [4.2.2].

I don’t think Moboplayer has been updated recently, what to do - un-install it?, report a false positive?, ignore it? or what?

Hi, could you send us a .apk file for analysis please? Or link for Google play?

Hi there,

I also raised this with the authors of Moboplayer and they have just released a new version which fixes the problem [Verison 1.3.285, 23rd Nov 2014].


For info, the GooglePlayStore link is