
Since Technical and myself haven’t done anything to get smitted several times recently is it possible to find out which user is doing it so we can kick his ass or at least have that user name warned or banned to stop abusing the board. Thank you.

Hi Culpeper,

I hope you do get your wish, but I would guess that both applauders and smiters should be able do so in anonimity :-\ Otherwise we would need a list of who is applauding who as well. ???

Better still (IMHO) is do away with the system altogether… it’ll stop all the re-occurring arguments.

Why not set up a poll… I haven’t figured how it works yet ;D

In the meantime, have a ‘k’


ill start a poll if i can figure out how

It’s not the act of getting negative marks. Technical and I have noticed someone returning to the board several times in a day to smite. That’s abuse. It went away for a while after that last time I had a public tantrum on the board.

I got a poll up on this forum ;D

Yes but LOT’s of users return several times a day (me being one and I haven’t smited you :cry: ) . Your actually implying that you know who it is ??? ??? ???

This is only my personal opinion, but that’s a difficult point. It could be said that it is any user’s right to ‘app’ or ‘smi’, as the present system is… kind of ‘freedom of speech’… but I agree that it is NOT NICE.

Let’s start a new scheme to get the ‘smiter’ … we ALL reverse the system and give one and other ‘smi’ for an ‘app’ and an ‘app’ for a ‘smi’ . I’m happy to be ‘negative krmed’ ;D


Well, how about someone returning to the board to smite the same person 10 times in one day. It takes at least 10 hours to do that. I consider that abuse. No, we don’t have any idea who it is. But it goes beyond simple peer review. :o

The only regret I have about bringing this whole thing out in the open is that the person now get’s the attention he so dearly needs :-\ That’s a “win” in his corner.

You right though. I rephrase the use of the word “abuse” to “not being very nice.” :cry:


I really don’t know. I can’t see either you or Technical posting anything that would make 10 people smite you once in a day :-\ . So if you are getting these smites you must be right that it is one individual.

You can probably guess I’m not worried either way about the system, but I certainly don’t see anything as a ‘win’ for any one individual who may be responsible… it just goes to show him (or her!) as a total moron … watch those smites heading my way now… he he.


;D It’s a suicide smiter!

Actually, on second thought, it must a be a team of suicide smiters :o

LOL… have another K :slight_smile:

Stop it you’re embarrassing me :-[

You… EMBARASSED ::slight_smile:

I don’t think so ;D

I really don't know. I can't see either you or Technical posting anything that would make 10 people smite you once in a day

me neither.

Karma applaud says ‘thank you’ to those who offer help on this forum. Karma smite makes no sense to me and I’ve never used it. I voted in the poll to modify.

As for the person who’s been vigorously hitting the smite button – probably a Norton supporter. ;D


I agree with Dave (and others I probably missed) – applauding is another way of saying thanks, in addition of course to the words themselves.

Just in the relatively short time I’ve been here, I’ve seen some newcomers supposedly looking for help, but who wouldn’t listen to a word of advice, and who had nothing good to say about avast. They’re probably the only ones worth smiting – but why bother? They probably won’t stick around here anyway.

And just for the record, in my usual style I totally missed the “modify” choice in the poll and simply voted to keep the existing system. Can I use my head injury as an excuse? :-[ ;D

I can’t remember how many posts a newcomer has to post before he can start using the karma options. I think it’s about 10 or so.

its 26

Hi all

No, it is 20. I would like to express my opinion on all this karma affair which happened here (not for the first time!) in last several days.

First, I think the karma system is very nice and interesting feature which can help to appreciate the work of the forum members - the good one and sometimes the bad one too. It is nothing more or less and I’ve got the feeling that many of you overvalue it sometimes.

Secondly, all applauds and smites are logged in the system, so I can easily see which of you ‘cooperate’ together and which ‘fight’ with some other members of the community. And believe me, sometimes it is very sad experience!

I would like to ask all of you to use karma system in very simple style - if someone helps others, he will definitely deserve karmas, if he attacks others in a very bad style, he deserves a smite. Please do not misuse this system just to apply your personal feelings or preferences! Otherwise we will be forced to switch it off - and it would be really pity!

PS: There is no way in the YABB SE to switch off just smites - and I personaly think that it can be useful if used moderately.

So please forget karmas as the main thing on this forum for now and let all the users enjoy it in its very best!!!



On those comments, I entirely agree with you.

Could I suggest that if you know the culprit or of misuse then perhaps you could have a quiet word with the individual.

If it did work properly, then I’m with you.

Have a Krma on me :wink:


I fully agree with Walker.
Pavel, you can say him/her a word by IM :wink:

But, of course, don’t loose your time with this. Maybe just if you note a ‘smitter’ behavior which is not fair…