Monitor no signal after update

Yesterday, my father got an error on every website due to the wrong update and he updated the program. After that, the program asked to reboot the PC, but ever since, the monitor has no signal. Windows is starting up, even the ‘welcome sound’ is playing, but the monitor is giving no signal. Not even the messages from the bios directly after startup are being shown. He has tried a different monitor.

What could be the problem, and more important: how can I fix this on his computer?

He is running Windows Vista and the Avast Pro version.

Can you boot in Safe Mode and check if any file was sent to avast Chest, rescan it and restore it?

I do not see anything on the screen from the moment I turn on the computer. Therefore it is rather difficult to go to the safe mode option.

Press F8 continuously after booting.

Dosn’'t seem to make sense
If your graphics driver went awol then Vista would load its default drivers

Can you boot into bios (tapping del key)?

Guys, this is a hardware-problem.

He sees nothing, not even BIOS messages.

Check the cable connections and the graphic card’s fitting.

The ‘del’ key would have confirmed this as hardware
There is no report of graphics problems via the ‘beep - beep’ code

Did you use the same power cable for the 2 monitors

Beep code is not always present. If the signal cable broke - no beeps. If only the DVI connector of the graphic card broke - no beeps.

But since the OP never came back again, I think he just turned on the monitor again. ;D

All true

He tried 2 monitors - 2 video cables
Perhaps a video showing how to reseat on-board graphics ;D

Thanks for the suggestions, I’m going to swap the videocard to see if this is causing the problem. Rather weird coincident if it really is a hardware problem. Unless my father got anger with Avast and hit the computer to cool off :stuck_out_tongue:

Just letting you know it was indeed the videocard. Appeared to be a coincidence with Avast update :-\

  1. sh.t happens.