for some reason when i start my pc the screen stays black and i have to turn it off and on again but it was ok last week any ideas anybody?
Can you boot with your operational system CD?
Which is your operational system? What did you do to this problem occur?
my op system is xp and i dont have the disk at the minute my daughter has it. It started last week out of the blue for some reason
When you have the CD try to recover your Windows installation and, if you can’t, maybe the better will be overinstall.
Overinstallation can solve the problem and you won’t lose your programs, settings, data, files, etc.
Just choose ‘Repair’ installation of Windows and install ‘over’ the old installation.;EN-US;315341;en-us;Q314058
Does it even display anything, like the Boot sequence stuff, like graphics card info, RAM, etc.? Just a plain black screen with white text?
Does it show the windows logo and or the log on screen?
What type of monitor is it (TFT/CRT), How old is it?
This could be the first signs of a failing monitor.
My friend returns many hits for “monitor screen stays black after boot” without the quotes, this is just one - - this is another -
It could be a sign of a bad Graphics card. it also could be that your monitor is just going into stand by mode for some reason. Have you updated your drivers? And what card do you have? If it’s an onboard one then you could have a problem :-\
it doesn’t display anything unless you turn off and on then it is at the windows screen occasiuonally it works ok and shows the black screen white text etc then normal ? thxs
sorry it’s an older sun microsystem big screen flickers a bit too
This does sound like a monitor on its way out, one day it won’t come on at all. I had similar problems some time ago and the flickering was also associated with poor colour quality.
It may be time to look for a replacement, there are some very reasonable priced (budget) TFT screens out there I bought a 17" one and compared to my 15" CRT the screen area is massive. I used to have a 19" Mitsubishi CRT and this comes close to it in actual visible screen area. A 19" TFT will be even better and they too are coming down in price.