Monthly Payment Plan

I see Avast has a couple items that you can subscribe monthly to. Why not our Premier Antivirus or Internet Security? You are the first on many other fronts, why not cater to everyone that wants your premium services and not just those that can pay the steep one lump payment of payment of services? You can make more money this way. I’d pay 10 bucks a month for premium… 10 dollars a month times 12 months… I really don’t understand what the deal breaker is here. Allow us to use Paypal as our monthly subscriber or even Digital River. I left Avast when my paid Internet Security ran out in January of this year, and bought a discounted version of Bitdefender Sphere. Sure, I get coverage on all my devices, but damn, it it is such a difficult to use ui panel. I am testing out a month of premier… but I know I won’t be able to afford the full years lump sum to activate it when the 30 days runs out.


What’s wrong with the free version.I use Avast free, I have used other paid AV’s for several years and found nothing beats Avast.just because its free doesn’t mean it wont work well.It beats most other paid for AV’s and is easy to use.Try it for yourself and see.

because I like the extra things. the geeky additions you get with the paid versions… I’m not one to just install it and let it do whatever its supposed to do. There is much more to the software than simply scanning your computer.

There is no monthly payment plan (at present)
If you want to use the paid version then you’ll have to find the money or,
as Marc suggested, revert to the free version and augment it with other “tools”
to create a layered protection plan.
Many of us do exactly that. Simply check our signature for more information.