More email since installing avast

??? Since we installed avast, I have been recieving emailes from address I never heard of or been incontact with. They are all different subjects but always comment saying avast is infected with viruses. Anyone having similiar problems or know why this is happening. Avast always alerts me saying these emails are viruses.
thank you

No s**t sherlock :stuck_out_tongue: Those emails are infected messages,probably a side effect of NetSky-Q which is currently very active. Email addresses are ofcorse spoofed (not a real address from a sender,but randomly selected from the list of all email addresses harvested by the virus/worm). Just delete these messages.

Oh,btw welcome to forum :smiley:

Aren’t you polite… ::slight_smile:

Well, that’s the main purpose of avast! and probably the reason why you did install it ;D !

But seriously: No, of course - we do not send you any viruses, we did not give your email to anybody - it is just the coincidence and unfotunately quite normal situation in these days…


I wanted to sound a bit sarcastic :wink: Sorry if i insulted anyone :-[

Yes, like Pavel said the virus was very active this week by email. The same happens to me on Tuesday and Wednesday… >:( Now, no more 8)

Wellcome to avast! ;D

Yeah, thanks for the warm welcome ???
Im not computer stupid, I know viruses and worms etc…
I just found it very odd that the day I installed avast i started receiving atleast 5 emails aday telling me avast is infected from people i never heard of or seen in any forward emails…

anyway, thanks for the replies.

pgnchris, are you still receiving the infected emails… I think they should be stopped by now… At least, I do not receive anyone since Wednesday :wink:

pgnchris, the one sarcastic reply you received is not indictitive of the general populous in this forum. It’s a shame that it was worded that way but was written by a youngster only 18 years old. I believe that as he grows up and learns to be more tolerant of life and others in general these outbursts will subside. ::slight_smile:
You asked an honest question which was answered with the proper intention from the rest of the folks here. As mentioned by others, welcome to the forum. :smiley:

Hey it doesn’t matter if i’m only 18! I explained him why hes getting so many mails and why they have different email addresses. He just choosed the “wrong” month to install antivirus hehe :wink: since this month (ok last one → march) was full of worms and viruses so this was nothing strange at all. You’ll get used to this since battle between Beagle and NetSky won’t stop soon…

Also use Silent Mode (With answer NO) for Internet Mail provider,so you don’t have to click Delete for each and every infected mail (with silent mode,infected attachements are stored in Chest,if there is maybe any false positive,you can restore that file easily).

Everything is fine you don’t have to ‘fight’ each other.
Apologies were already asked and gave by the other part.
Just trying to put some cold water here… There is no reason for this because everybody is here to help the others or to ask any question about avast. 8)

Hope this is enough,otherwise there is no hope for me…
High cliff here i come… :wink:

There is always hope… Your apologies were accepted…
Is this the end of this thread? Unless we become off-topic ;D