I almost have avast 4 running right. here’s the problem. I am using windows xp home and have two user profiles. one for me and one for my sister. on my profile everything is fine but when i restart the computer the normal way and log on to my sister profile, avast keeps asking for the license key which even when entered comes back with an invaild error. this does not happen on my profile (the key was entered and went thru with no problem). the problem ONLY happens on my sister’s profile. all other problems seem to be finished. HELP ME
Are you using an administrator account and your sister just a common account?
Can you uninstall / boot / install / boot and logon into the administrator account for the first time, write your license key number and only after this use the common (limited) account?
I have a XP system, two users, both protected with avast…
in reply both of us are administrators (had some problems with the registry in my sisters account that was solved by switching it to admin rights.) as I stated the problem only happens on her user profile. the key went in fine and registered fine on my profile. I believe that it is a problem with the registry on her profile (yes they are different. I know this by installing software to only use my profile (some do), then looking for it in the registry on my profile, then doing the same on the other profile and it does not appear on the other profile). does anyone know what key in the resistry stores the license key. I belive if I enter the key into the registry on my sisters profile the problem will go away. there are no spefic user accounts such as one for game playing, one for internet and so on.
I fixed my problem. could you please close this thread. thanks for the help.
will post the fix.