More questions.

Hi Confused Computer User,

Thanks for the info.

  1. When you originally said that I could see the prog’s you used at the bottom of your post you put arrows then there was a line completely across the bottom so I didn’t realize that what was written under that line went with your post. I thought your post ended with the line. I didn’t notice it until later.

  2. When you said to follow Polonus link did you mean I should run that for Bugbear etc?

  3. You said to run one final scan do you mean Avast scan? If so which kind? …top button on right, a boot scan, or a thorough scan with archives?

  4. Look at the picture I have attached at the bottom of this post. It's on of my results from a search I did. Now I think you are referring to the idea that the message is chooped up into parts with ... replacing the missing parts. Is this right?

Well the title, which you can see underlined:
I don’t see any picture.

  1. Problem with voice in Yahoo messenger

is a hyperlink so clicking on it will take you to the post where the text is fully written. The search results return just enough to give you an idea of what you can find in a thread.
Is this ok?

Hope it helps. If not … well ask away.

I don’t know what the problem with voice in Yahoo msgr. is about.

  1. My problem is with search results. For example I searched for “is grayed out”

The results I got were is grayed out … then again the same thing is grayed out…
I assume these are places where those words are mentioned.
I understand that … means there is more to follow. But when I clicked on it-it didn’t connect you to what is to follow. Nothing happened. There was no answer to why something is grayed out. How can you learn from that? Or is there some other way you can connect with the partial sentences to see the rest or find out why something is grayed out?

  1. About cookies-what I understand is that websites you go to put cookies on your comp. to track where you surf OR they put cookies on your comp. to make it easier to go back to their website the next time you want to go there.

The 2nd kind is what I have a question about. Last night I removed the cookies after the SAS scan.
Later I went into my email & tried to click on a website that regularly sends me info that I want to check on their site. When I clicked on it Firefox was not able to connect me to it. So I got out of email and opened FF to go directly to the site-I still couldn’t get to it. How can access sites like these that my comp. no longer has cookies for?

Well I guess that is my list of questions for now. Again thank you for all your help.
You guys are terrific!

:slight_smile: Hi :

Perhaps my Post in your other Thread will answer at least some of your Questions ?
The Post does end where the “line” begins; what is under the “line” is called
the person’s “Signature” where personal Info is written, like my” .

I will admit I was somewhat “confused” by portions of “Confused Computer
User” last Post in the other thread .

Hi 4frustrated

It does not help to open two different titles to post about the same problems you have on the same computer.

Your two titles :

Generally the backtrail of posts on a thread can be more helpful in clarifying a problem than starting a new thread on same problem, regardless of how puzzling some of the issues may have become at different times. Also helpful to remember that different contributors have expertise in different areas - there are very rarely ‘fix-everything’, ‘one size fits all’, answers, let alone solutions, to any forum problem. At least until after detection and identification and probably also removal of the problem has been satisfactorily accounted.
And in that regard you do look now to at least be on the way to some resolution of your problem.

Remember also, that no problems are likely to be fully resolved or fixed for all time. You are expected to learn and exercise technology know-how and can-do yourself as part of your participation in the forum - as opposed to leaving your computer at the repair shop for the tech to do the fix. One of the great things about avast and other open source type computer software, apart from being the inexpensive option, is that the end user is expected to apply themselves and have some direct input into the running of their computers, which will help them to decide on what will be their wants and needs for the coming duration of their computer usage (e.g for rest of their lives) and how to best to accomplish these wants and needs for their own advantage, or for other people’s benefit (as with teachers).

And also, at times best thing to do is to let computer sit for a while, then come back to problems afresh, and go over what has been accomplished so far - secure ground that has been gained - and work out plan for what might be best way forward from there.
And back to the internet forums with the added knowledge that has been gained.
