More Web Shield problems

Hi, I’m having the same issue with web shield as many other people were having. I’m only able to browse the web if I disable the web shield. I don’t know how exactly go about the process of fixing it even though i’ve read a couple of threads on a couple of solutions. Any help please=[.

I have no browsing problems at all with this version. I think people who do have problems, have got remnants of other AV programs that they have removed, but not cleanly. This has happened to me in the past. Download AV program cleaners from the company that you had installed before, and maybe re-install Avast again.
Hope this helps, it seems impossible that Avast is giving the problem when so many people are not seeing the same problem as you.

Any information would help us to help you.

As you say you are having the same issue with the web shield as others, so what have you done about it:
e.g. of the suggestions made in other topics, which have you tried ?

There were also no doubt lots of questions asked (firewall, OS, previous AV, other security software), so you could give those answers here ?

Then we will know more about your system and what you have tried so that we don’t repeat things that you have tried.

Thanks guys. I’ve read and I’ve tried to go about that process but I didn’t exactly know what I was doing unfortunately. I have windows vista, and I’m using Avast free version(Updated) and I do have a firewall. I’ve tried disabling my firewall to see if that was the issue but still nothing. I’m only able to browse when the web shield for avast is disabled. I’ve noticed I was having this issue after a windows update so I’m willing to bet its a windows error.

It would be helpful if you could answer the questions above so we can help you better.

Also, how did you remove/uninstall your previous AV? If you had Avast, what version did you have and what version are you using now? Thank you.