The ranking top 9. On number 9 comes the United States of America, a 1 in 48 chance there to be attacked by malcode. Number 8 holds Portugal, 1 in 43 chance, Number seven holds Vietnam 1 to 42, Loas equals 1 in 42. The top five ranking is starting with Bangladesh 1 to 41, Adzerbaidzan 1 to 39. Number three holds Armenia with a 1 in 24 chance for a malware infection, Russia clings to number two: 1 in 15 chance, Turkey comes on number one with a 1 in 10 chance of a malcode infection…
considering that about 90% of the sites I visit are US sites, or US based sites, and this for a couple of years now, I’m still waiting for the one out of 48 chance to get a “malcode” (I love these words…) attack/infection whatever ;D
Why should that be? USA that high in the rankings on number 9, while there are so many computer savvy people there that know about all the ways to remedy this? And in France also. The irony of it is that it bites you in the back big time, does not surprise me ;D
problem is that his post doesn’t make any sense, answer or not, sarcasm or not, he’s still sticking to the image of the “big satan” that he’s got from the United States of America Bob
P.S. One has to see the figures of AVG in their real context, considering of the number of online users the USA might well be the safest and with the low spread of computer density in other countries, they just might be much more insecure, so as with all statistics, just what do you want to demonstrate and what do you wanna sell (in the case of AVG),
funny how your posts, when full of inconsistencies as it often happens, and when you’re in a self-defense position, sound like Yokenny’s stuff (except Yokenny doesn’t need to be attacked to be obnoxious, that’s his nature). That’s pretty pathetic. Same methods, same sort of pics uploaded here…
ps: I suggest replacing your account here with a Google search box, with as typed and hardcoded text the word “malware”…this should free up some of your time and spare us the incredible amount of useless stuff that you post here. You know, malware experts, the real ones…before being able to investigate at all… >>> they meet with Microsoft Windows first, and they learn how to use it I mean seriously you’re not in a position to give lessons to anyone here, nor are you in a position to appreciate the relevancy of the content that you post here. I mean someone who’s asking (discretely I know…) the questions that you ask about Windows…and don’t push me to go into the details…because I will if you do, I won’t hesitate a second…someone asking such questions is a noob for me, just a noob…and hmm…I haven’t met any Windows noob yet who was a malware expert. I’m not even mentioning the fact that you never ever post anything related to Avast on the forums…but let’s leave that…you hardly know what a firewall is from what I read in a recent thread here.
Just get that straight, apart from a couple of Avast devs, the only member/user being a malware expert on this forum is Essexboy…you Polonus don’t belong to the club and you know it. Your posts are ignored here most of the time, same goes on Informaction (NoScript) forums…noone’s really interested. But you go on and on and on and on…and that’s tolerated for some reason ???
Right you’re not a bad guy, you never offend people etc…may be that’s the reason why your posts are tolerated…nevertheless you’re on a sort of narrow minded ego trip… and this is soooooooooooooo…boring, so uninteresting…I mean you keep harvesting web content and repost it here blindly…often claiming the authorship , I mean how does it feel when you look at yourself? just curious…
edit: look, you’re posting mostly the most obscure stuff that you can find, obscure stuff (about code…html manipulations etc…) that you obviously don’t understand yourself >>> I saw more then once how you had difficulties to comment + your English is absolutely laughable, I mean come on, do yourself a favor, take some holidays
I am a long, long user of these forums and to help a lot of victims with malcode infestations and inspire many and learned a lot from the experience and from others here, you are only a couple of years here and you probably only come to visit this forum to ruin the normal cordial atmosphere we had here. Convincing others is not with those crying out loudest and making rude insults, but is with other qualities. This does not impress me one bit, who are you to ventilate this opinion about me? Who is the arrogant one? Mostly arrogance is to camouflage lack of knowleddge. And if you are not interested in malware, why do you come to visit a forum like this one?
Recently without any reason you blocked my PM’s and I do not want to communicate with people that lack every form of nettiquete. And when my posting are not interesting or below your “way of thinking” you need neither read them nor react. Who actually us being pathetic here, you should take some time off or a long holiday, and you feel more relaxed when posting,
to Polonus: …and here we go again, you’re mimicking my post >>> I’m arrogant? may be yeah…I have no problem to admit that, but you Polonus cannot afford to be arrogant alright, you just can’t, because the content lacks, and you got no knowledge about anything at all. What help? who could you ever help here? where? show me a link…one single link…you once asked me how to access a folder in Windows, and I had to teach you a few basics about access rights in Windows… and you’re supposed to be the malware expert…I mean let’s be serious, how do you imagine being able to talk about malware when you have no idea about the target? hey, how?
You’re stealing web content is that clear? and that’s perfectly illegal, immoral and disgusting >>> and then you go bragging on Informaction forums or anywhere else to claim that you’re a “top poster” and a “malware expert” on Avast forums…again this is immoral, stupid, and utterly disgusting alright.
ps: as to why I blocked you from pm’ing me? because I got pissed off with the crap that you were pm’ing me constantly.
edit: this will be my last post on the topic, you’re getting on my nerves. There are two psychos on this forum, Yokenny and you, spamming the site 24/7… :