Mouse freezes

I use a belkin cordless mouse. Since installation of avast the mouse pointer is freezing.
Any sugestions?

It shouldn’t…
If you disable avast! does the freezing disappear?
Do you mean the ‘hourglass’ appear or a full freeze of the mouse?
How do you ‘get out’ of this situation? Did you have to boot?

No, i havnt tried to disable avast.
The pointer stops dead on ther screen.
The mouse still seems to comunicate with the receiver ok. The keyboard works ok.
A reboot does not unfreeze the pointer.
The pc must be shut down and restarted.
I swaped mice with another pc, same thing happens.
The op is xp pro 32bit.

Are you sure this is avast! related?

How long are you using avast! antivirus ?

I never liked those cordless things, they tend to “hate” each other and never worked nice and easy as corded thingies. Also, those batteries and recharging them were killing me, so I gave up on them long time ago. I don’t even see my cords now, they all are on the other side of the desk anyway…

It could be that there is some other problem on your system, especially because of the fact that rebooting the system doesn’t solve anything. As soon as you restart your system avast! is not there any more, so how could it be that avast! causing that issue ? Also, when you completely turn off your computer, that’s practically same like when you restart it… the only difference is slight delay (depends on how long you keep it shut off though).

What is your motherboard type ? I’ve heard some people reported some certain problems with USB mouses and keyboards not working all of a sudden without any reason on ECS K7SOM motherboards. It could be that you may have same or similar problems.

I hope we will find some solution to your problem soon.

Cheers !

This problem started the day avast was installed. Which would give the presumption that it is an avast problem.

Well you still stick to your presumtion… you have to be aware that not always our presumtions are correct, so… it’s better to make sure.

You still didn’t answer my questions… if you want us to help you (and I assume you want, since you came here to ask for help), then you have to help us as well.

First one again - How long are you using avast! antivirus ?

…and second one - What is your motherboard type ? (believe me it is important, I am computer technician by profession and I know why I asked you first time)

Thanks !

cool you’re a computer technician
i’m only a 14 year old kid

tim 8)

I hate to suggest this, but I wonder if anniets knows if the batteries whether rechargeable or not are Fully charged in the cordless mouse?

This is probably caused by another wireless device in your house which is probably trying to use the same frequency that your mouse uses (telephone , wireless router etc.).I had similar problems with my Logitech MX1000 laser mouse and my stationary cordless phone(i changed the phone’s operating frequency).Try moving the mouse reciever around and turning off all wireless devices you have close.

As it turns out and i hadn"t noticed it, about 3 meters from the mouse is a cordless phone when this rings and is answered the mouse freezes.
An unlikely soulution but one to keep in the back of your mind when useing cordless devices.
darth.mickey u were right.
Strange though in another room i have with another pc still useing belkin cordless and there are 2 cordless phones in that room, a different brand to previous phone mentioned which cause the mouse no problems.
Definatly a frequency problem .

Another good reason not to have cordless mouse ;D I’d rather have my phone cordless and be able to walk around the house while I’m having a conversation with someone, than having cordless mouse, and you still can not move away from your desk anyway… you have to be close to your monitor to be able to see what you are doing, so those tiny mouse cords are never on my way… behid the desk and they stay there… best of all, they don’t interfere with my cordless phone that way.

Cheers !

way to go darth mikey!
hey slaap! thats a funny avatar…funny…funny ;D


tim 8)

Yes I know… I almost peed my pants when I saw that scene while I was watching the movie… it’s called KUNG FU HUSTLE and it’s one of the funniest movies ever… i really like it. I ripped that scene from the movie, and made a nice little avatar… ;D

Btw, it is I… sZc… don’t tell anyone… OK ? Hihihihihihihi…

Sasha i can click from my bed when i’m watching Star Trek(or Star Wars hihi) and besides when i play FPS shooter games with my Logitech MX1000 laser mouse i can be very accurate and not worry about the cable getting in the way hehe.Besides the mouse is recharged on the receiver and best of all the battery lasts for about 2 weeks and you know i use the mouse alot ;D

That’s probably because they operate at a different frequency than the mouse.