I’ve recently been having this small problem with mouse. It randomly stops moving and i hear window’s device connect and device disconnect sound. Then it works normally again. This is kinda irritating and virus scans show nothing. I have windows xp.
Hi Ruler
Welcome to the forum.
Please help us help you.
What version of Avast! are you using
What vps version?
What OS?
What exactly is the error message? (If you are getting one.)
The path and filename is of great help.
etc. etc.
What type of mouse are you using?
The more info you supply, the easier it is for us to solve your problem.
I’m using avast home edition 4.6
vps version is latest i think.
os is win xp professional with sp1
I’m not getting any error message it just jams the mouse and plays device connect and device disconnect sound.
I’m using logitech mx 500.
Have you tried using a different USB port?
No but will try now.
If that doesn’t work, try setting it up as a PS/2.
Sometimes USB ports can be temperamental.
Well it has worked past 2years in that usb port but maybe a format c: would be in place soon too.
Does it hurt to try?
Ruler the reason i suggested to change the USB port was beacuse i was having a similar problem awhile back, so i just switched to another USB port and the thing started working again(Logitech MX 1000)
I hope you figure it out
Sounds like there might be a problem in your mouse lead. Any sign of damage or a broken wire inside at any point?
Gonna check the wire later if problem occurs again. I’ve changed the usb port now and I hope it works. Thx for all the replys.
No problem at all , remember if you have any other problems here is where you get help
For the cost of a mouse minimal you could be chasing your/its tail for a long time and you get a new mouse into the bargain ;D
You could try uninstalling the mouse driver and let windows find it again and reinstall the driver.
logitech mx 500
Features: PC • Mac • Optical • USB • PS/2 • MX™ Optical Engine • Scroll wheel • Application Switch • Internet Forward/Back • Right-Handed Comfort Grip
Yes Bob it’s a very good mouse(like all from Logitech) ;D And David if you check the price of this mouse you’ll see it isn’t exactly cheap i don’t think he wants to buy another one i assume he’s perfectly satisfied with that one and i think he doesn’t want to go from a great mouse to a cheap mouse(i had it myself it’s really really good i would have never replaced it but being a gamer i can really appreciate wireless mouses ) Anyway Ruler let us know if it’s working OK?