I do have a trouble with my mouse. It starts moving to left or up by itself.
The computer was infected with win32:Trojan-744 (or Trojan.tooso as symantec named it). I decided to reformat the system disk and reinstall everything; I didn’t reformat the second harddrive which i use and on which i have some data.
I didn’t use service pack 2 of the windows xp before.
After I installed windows xp, i have installed all the windows updates including service pack 2; after that my mouse started to move by itself on the screen; does anyone know anything about this?
I doubt that it is a virus causing this trouble with your mouse. There is nothing in the information about Trojan.tooso on symantec that indicates it would effect your mouse.
Have you tried setting the sensitivity in the mouse driver?
It looks like I’m not the only one with troubles having a Aopen mouse under the XP SP2. My model is not optical, is a ps/2 cable mouse, with 2 wheels. On the diskette the driver version is 7, and on the aopen site the last driver they have is 2.32 (???).
I think I have to choose between the sp2 and my old mouse:)