
I’m having problems with my mouse, it skips around by itself sometimes and goes bezerk ! The pointer moves opposite the mouse and trying to line it up with the start button is impossible, also the right click is active at the slightest touch of the mouse the menus pop up.
Anyone know whats up ?

mmm… suspect symptom… when you have seen for the first time this behavior?

Mousomatosis. ;D

Seriously, leaky batteries (if wireless.)
Damaged wire (if corded.)

in the better case… ::slight_smile:

I seen it for the past…month ? The ther day it went bezerk and right clicking everywhere and looked like asteriods the way it was skipping up and down, lol. :-\

maybe your are using graphical applications, CAD,Photoshop? Sometimes it happens when you’re working with some documents and you sets the “saving every X minutes” option. (you have not a mouse but a StarWars trailer on your desktop! ;D)

You don’t say what type of mouse you have, wireless, optical, manufacturer, OS drivers or makers driver, etc.?

I very occasionally get the pointer skip about (Genius, optical, wireless 5 button mouse), usually after I have been using the wheel. When does it happen with your mouse pointer?

Clicking one of the buttons or the wheel button normally cures it.

It’s a labtec optical mouse and I have to restart to get rid of it.
It’s not a big deal…just thought it might be that cursor virus or something, since I don’t use the “KB891711” update.

Sometimes my BENQ optical mouse jups to another corner of screen, but it hapens rarely… Maybe once a day… ;D Maybe it’s time to buy a new pet for your pc! ;D

Try another mouse. If that works OK, check the (battery and) cable of your old mouse. If nothing is obviously wrong, bin it.


your mouse is better than mine, my mouse can’t right click since it was install to my computer. :frowning: Gonna get a better mouse soon.