Hi I had a boot-scan and I chose “move all” for all the infected files. But when i checked my files and folders, the infected ones can not be seen unless i type it in the location bar (i.e. D:\My Files)
So,i can only view these folders by doing so. But these folders aren’t hidden as I have set “Folder Options-Show hidded files and folder”
How can i make these folders visible in my Drive D?please help…
You should have selected Move to Chest or Move all to Chest, so if they aren’t in the Infected Files section of the chest you didn’t select those options. You can’t view these files in the chest from windows explorer as the file names are changed. So you need to open the chest in avast.
This would mean that the files will nave been sent to the avast4\DATA\Moved folder, the files should be there and they should I believe have a .vir suffice after the original file name.
The problem being they will be detected on the next scan as they aren’t in the chest.
Can you please tell me how to just delete the infections without touching the files.
I mean just delete/remove the viruses without any changes in my files… Because my files are not hidden but they became invisible and can only be opened through the location bar.
By the way, additional information that might help. The files are infected by “Win32:JunkPoly [Cryp]”.
Early deletion is never a good option as you have none left. So on initial detection send to the chest where they can do no harm.
There is no rush to delete anything from the chest, a protected area where it can do no harm. Anything that you send to the chest you should leave there for a few weeks. If after that time you have suffered no adverse effects from moving these to the chest, scan them again (inside the chest) and if they are still detected as viruses, delete them.
No, this is unlikely to have anything to do with hidden folders, other than malware might have done this.