Mozilla Email Password Problem

Windows XP

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20030916

Version 4.1-268
VPS 0309-1

The latest Avast program update (yesterday) has caused my Mozilla EMail password not to be recognized

when I try to send mail out

and I get a dialog titled

Mail Server Password Required.

which I fill in with the password but it pops up again.

I have reinstalled Avast and Mozilla several times and Mozilla is OK until I install Avast.

What username did avast set for outgoing mail (SMTP) in Mozilla Mail account settings?

Using Mozilla Mail 1.5 RC2 (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20030925) with Win98SE I had the same problem.

What I did to fix it was open avast4.ini & change UseDefaultSmtp=0 to UseDefaultSmtp=1. Then I terminated & restarted ashmaisv. I was then able send mail.

I was able to get Mozilla Mail & avast to send & receive mail from my pop account & I was also able to get MM, avast, & YahooPops working but now I’m having some trouble.

As I said in my previous post, adding UseDefaultSmtp=1 to avast4.ini allowed me to send mail from my pop account. The problem is I can’t send mail with YP. If I change UseDefaultSmtp=1 to UseDefaultSmtp=0 I can send with YP but not pop. Is there anything I can add/change in avast4.ini to be able send mail with both accounts?

Here’s what I have setup for my pop account.
Server name:
Port: 110

Server name:
Port: 25
Use SSL: When available

Here’s what I have for my yahoo account.
Server name: localhost
Username: kcchiefs_21#
Port: 110

Server name: localhost
Username: kcchiefs_21#
Port: 25
Use SSL: When available

Anybody have any ideas or should I just login to yahoo mail with my browser to reply to any email & have my pop account setup to send?

I think your setup is correct, it should work with UseDefaultSmtp=0. Does it work when you send from pop account without avast (i.e. Server name:, User name: hitman00) ?

It works just fine without avast. With avast & UseDefaultSmtp=0 Mozilla keeps prompting me for a password 2 seconds after I just entered it. And I know the password is right.

Setting use SSL to Never or When Available & Moz keeps prompting me for a password. Setting use SSL to Always & I get an error from Moz, “Sending of message failed. Unable to connect to SMTP server…” I also get this error after I hit cancel on the password prompt with use SSL at Never or When Available.

Could you plase send me the detailed log by mail, as described here:;action=display;threadid=1195;start=msg6918#msg6918

Done. Email sent.

Please try this fix:
(Terminate process ashMaiSv.exe, copy the downloaded file to avast4 folder and start it.)

Excellent!! I can send mail from both accounts now!

That was a quick fix. What’s the difference between the 2 ashMaiSv.exe?

If the username is ‘name#smtpserver’ and the SMTP server doesn’t support authentication, the first ashMaiSv.exe fails, which is fixed in the second one. If the username was ‘#smtpserver’, it would work in both cases.