Mozilla/Netscape email - can avast! protect it?

Hello group,

I just installed avast! last night and I love it! Just one problem…

I use Outlook for email, but my roommate uses Mozilla. ( both are using the same email server, just different email user names) Outlook protection is working great, but Mozilla is not being protected. ( I sent a test message with virus attachment to both email programs)

I’m running XP Pro, and both Outlook and Mozilla are being run under the same Windows user.

I have on-access scanner Internet mail, Outlook, Script blocking, and Standard shield all configured and enabled.

Is this a limitation of avast! or have I missed something in the configuration?

Thanks for any help.


Does avast work with compuserve e-mail?

Welcome to the avast! forums-
To Ckbeme-
Run the mail protection wizard (start/programs/avast/mail
That should fix it. Post back if any problems.
To Mustang-
If you use a e-mail client such as outlook express and others it will scan your mail using the mail scanner,and if you use explorer to view your mail it also will be scanned using the standard shield scanner.