Hi malware fighters,
A new flaw has been confirned by Microsoft to exist in the IE6 browser, so that remote attackers can get to data on your computer:
Hi malware fighters,
A new flaw has been confirned by Microsoft to exist in the IE6 browser, so that remote attackers can get to data on your computer:
Which is why I do not use IE6 and rarely use IE7
use safari on my “work only” mac and firefox on my hp laptop and ie7 on my vista quad ultimate piece of junk ;D-(not much choice there yet on vista compatable browsers-as far as i know??)-anybody know what browsers work on vista :
Uh firefox maybe…?? in vista… :
thanks jason.b.c for the quick reply…yes it does work on vista…just haven’t had the time with work and all
Avant Browser 11 Build 25
Browzar (32-bit) (Do NOT use this! It´s a fraud, a SCAM!)
Deepnet Explorer 1.53 beta (32-bit)
Flock 0.78 (32-bit)
Maxthon 1.5.9 build 30 and 2.0
Mozilla Firefox (it has several incompatibility issues) (32/64-bit)
Off By One 3.5.d (32-bit)
Opera 9.xx (32-bit)
Portable FireFox 1.5 (32-bit)
Torpark (32/64 Bit)
GreenBrowser is missing from their list and it’s working fine in Vista.