MS give MVP award to adware pusher (then add his program to their AV defintions)

If you'd created a program that installed Adware, would you be surprised if you were then awarded an MVP Award from Microsoft?

Well, step right up Patchou AKA Cyril Paciullo, creator of Messenger Plus!

For anyone who doesn't know about the controversy surrounding this program, its an add-on for Windows Messenger / Live / whatever they're calling it this week. Problem is, it comes bundled with LOP, a major source of annoyance and anger for web-users since, oh, ages ago.
/ Update: Heh...wouldn't you know it, but Microsoft's own scanner detects Patchou's program via Virustotal (click to enlarge).

Nails, meet coffin. The Undertakers of Stupidity will be along to throw you in a ditch shortly.

Via Sunbelt blog:

‘Adware’ Distributor Loses MVP Status

Responding to a flurry of negative feedback, Microsoft has decided to revoke the Most Valuable Professional status it recently bestowed on Cyril Paciullo. Paciullo, or Patchou as he is known, is a developer who created the Messenger Plus application.

It’s the minimum we could wait from a serious company as Microsoft.

If MS had done a little more research and or quality control they could have avoided having to clean egg of their face.