MS Update Problem

I accidentally clicked cancel while microsoft update was installing an update. Is there any way to get it back? I also tried to redownload it manually from the update site.
but all attempts didn’t work

also does renaming things used by the operating system a bad thing?note: I didn’t, just wondering.
and does renaming things on the desktop ruin the shortcut?
and deleting false positives in antispyware is a bad thing right?

thanks a bunch,
tim 8)

I think you will find that the update would have downloaded and installed depending on what method you used

Have a look in Control Panel /Add remove it may give you some clue.

Failing that just re-download and install the update

also does renaming things used by the operating system a bad thing?note: I didn't, just wondering.
That depends on what your renaming. If the system is looking for something called [b]HOT[/b] but you've renamed it [b]COLD[/b] the operating system wouldn't be able to find it and [b]you[/b] would be left out in the cold. ;D

Generally with ‘Updates’ you can see the “History” on the left of the Windows Update Page. Once your at the page you initiate the scan of your computer, and a list of Updates is generated to choose from.
I’d suggest going to Windows Update page again>opt to have the scan of your system> and check what has been sucessfully installed from the MS installation history list .

go to the website and click turn on windows update if it was on… and try it then

thanks guys,

tim 8)